About Us

Founded in 2020, HWTenergy is a Canadian company based in Victoria, British Columbia. We leverage our extensive knowledge and expertise in renewable energy and specialized turbomachine design to develop innovative solutions for generating electrical energy from river currents. Our portfolio caters to both commercial and consumer markets.

Our water turbines are engineered for locations with reliable access to water resources, allowing them to operate continuously and produce the necessary electrical energy as long as there is water flow. Unlike solar systems, our water turbines can generate electricity 24/7. With their longevity and low maintenance costs, these turbines offer one of the most efficient and popular methods of energy production.

Our turbines feature a modular design, with each module capable of generating 200 watts. These modules can be interconnected to provide various power outputs, meeting the diverse needs of our customers.

At HWTenergy, we understand the importance of reliable electric power for nature lovers and off-grid users. Our mission is to ensure that, regardless of why you lack access to electricity, you can obtain the power you need to continue your activities without interruption.